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Schools Page

Schools Page

Thank you for visiting our Schools' page.
This page is directed towards Parents/Governors, PTAs, School Shops and Staff with direct responsibility for sourcing uniforms. It also includes uniforms for special events i.e. School Plays, Sports Days etc.

We currently supply a number of Schools within the UK and abroad with either:
- their main school uniform requirements,
- a number of specialised items, or
- on an ad-hoc/singular basis.

By providing Schools with a flexible invoice payment solutions, subject to normal terms & conditions, it's a simple process to place an order with us.

We will try and accomadate your needs and meet your specific requirements, so why not give us a call.

You can contact us on 0208 6 777 500 or e-mail us ([email protected]) with your requirements and we will be happy to help.