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How to Measure for Boys School Shorts

How to Measure for Boys School Shorts - Tips & The Importance of Proper Measurement

At School Uniform 247, we pride ourselves on our range of high quality school uniforms in a wide range of sizes. Our easy to use and secure online store makes it easy for parents and caregivers to order uniform quickly and easily. When it comes to boy's school shorts, we offer a range of sizes to fit school children of all ages. Below, we look at the importance of proper measurement and show you how to find the perfect, most comfortable fit for your child.

Importance of Proper Measurement

Accurate measurement is crucial when selecting school shorts for boys. It ensures a comfortable fit and allows for ease of movement, essential for their active school days. When it comes to children's clothes, size is typically labelled by age e.g. 5-6 yrs, 7-8 yrs etc. However, as all parents know, all children are different. Children grow at different rates, have different builds and body shapes and generally don't correspond to their designated clothing ages. Clothing size also depends on the brand, manufacturer and store. A 3-4 yrs tag in one store may be bigger/smaller than a 3-4yrs tag in another. Therefore, it's important to regularly take your child's measurements and check the size guide of your retailer.

How to Measure Boys for School Shorts

As the UK weather starts to warm up, boy's school shorts are a great option for little ones. During hot weather, they offer a more practical option than trousers, allowing them to jump, run and play at breaktime and stay comfortable and cool in the classroom. To ensure your child gets the best fit possible, follow our steps below for easy measuring:

Necessary Tools

You can either use string and a straight tape measure/ruler or a flexible tape measure to take your measurements. To use string, wrap it around the measuring point on the body as you would the tape measure, keep your thumb on the point where the string crosses over on the body. Then, unwrap the string from the body and hold it against the straight tape measure to get your measurement.

To measure for your boy's school shorts, you'll need to take three measurements: waist, inside leg and outside leg:
• Waist: Measure around the natural waistline, where the waistband of the shorts will sit.
• Hips: Measure around the fullest part of the hips.
• Inside Leg: Measure from the crotch to ankle.

Tip: before measuring, check the unit of measurement on the size chart of your retailer, then you won't have to convert it later. Better yet, take the measurement in both inches and cm in the first instance.
 boys school shorts

Size Chart Comparison

Once you have the measurements, refer to your retailers size chart to select the appropriate size. Compare the measurements to the corresponding sizes to find the best fit.


Getting the right shorts length can be tricker than trousers. Once you have the outside leg measurement, you can then compare it to the size chart of your retailer to understand how low the shorts will sit. For example, if your child's outside leg measurement is 22 inches, and the shorts are 13 inches, you'll know that the shorts will sit just over half way down the leg. For even more accuracy, you can simply take a tape measure to your child's leg and note how far down the leg the shorts will sit.

Additional Tips

• Consider allowing a bit of room for growth to ensure longevity; if they're between sizes, sizing up is always the best option.
• Check the fabric composition and care instructions. Some fabrics offer more 'give' whereas others can be more restrictive.

Follow our simple tips to get the right measurements and the best fit for your child. Shop for quality school shorts in a wide size range from nursery to large and adult sizes. Order today for fast delivery and ensure your child stays comfortable at school - no matter the weather.